Uses of Class

Packages that use Priority
jegg The main JEgg package


Uses of Priority in jegg

Methods in jegg that return Priority
 Priority Message.getPriority()
          Return the dispatch priority of this message.

Methods in jegg with parameters of type Priority
 Message EggContext.createMessage(java.lang.Object m, Priority p)
          Create a message at the specified priority that is ready to be directly written to a message port.
 void EggContext.respond(java.lang.Object message, Priority priority)
          Send a message to the egg that sent the current message.
 void EggContext.respond(Port port, java.lang.Object message, Priority priority)
          Send a message to the egg that the specified port belongs to.

Uses of Priority in jegg.impl

Fields in jegg.impl declared as Priority
static Priority Priority.HIGH
          The highest dispatch priority
static Priority Priority.MEDIUM
          The normal dispatch priority
static Priority Priority.LOW
          The lowest dispatch priority

Methods in jegg.impl that return Priority
 Priority MessageImpl.getPriority()

Methods in jegg.impl with parameters of type Priority
 void PriorityQueue.add(Priority p, java.lang.Object o)
          Add a prioritized object to the queue.
 java.lang.Object p)
          Return the next object of a specific priority.
 Message EggContextImpl.createMessage(java.lang.Object m, Priority p)
 void EggContextImpl.respond(java.lang.Object message, Priority priority)
          Send a message to the egg that sent the current message.
 void EggContextImpl.respond(Port port, java.lang.Object message, Priority priority)
          Send a message to the egg that the specified port belongs to.

Constructors in jegg.impl with parameters of type Priority
MessageImpl(java.lang.Object m, Port p, Priority pr)
          Create a JEgg message.

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